Fight breaks out on Jordanian TV set

2014-05-07 1

A fight erupted on the Jordanian television network, 7 Stars, between journalists Shaker Al-Johari and Mohammed Al-Jayousi over their differing opinions regarding the Syrian crisis. Their dispute resulted in a wrecked set.

The two men were appearing on May 5 on a news program called "Between Opposing Opinions" presented by Zuhair Al-Azza.

Mohammed Al-Jayousi seemingly provoked Al-Johari by accusing him of being 'deviant' and supporting the Syrian revolution.

Al-Johari responded by accusing Al-Jayousi of supporting the Syrian regime in exchange for money, to which Al-Jayousi responded, "Shut up". Al-Johari then got up from his seat and the two started shoving the table top at one another.

Production staff on the program can be seen pulling Al-Johari away after the table fell apart and he walks across to aim a kick at his fellow guest.

No action was taken against the two men.