Lavrov says no resolution to Ukraine crisis without communities in the country's south east being involved

2014-05-06 20,972

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has warned there can be no solution to the crisis in Ukraine without the participation of the communities in the south east of the county.

Lavrov, speaking following a meeting of the Council of Europe in Vienna, also said Ukraine’s presidential election set for May 25 must be put back until a new constitution has been discussed and agreed upon.

He called on Kyiv to halt all military operations in the south east of Ukraine and refrain from attacks against its own people.

The Russia diplomat rejected the idea of holding a new round of international talks in Geneva on easing tension in Ukraine.

That, he said, would be like “going round in circles” and progress would be possible at talks only if representatives of Russian-speaking areas of the country were involved.

Lavrov reminded Europe that the rights of minorities must be respected across the continent.