Hitting back at Congress President Sonia Gandhi and VP Rahul over their "politics of anger" charge against him, BJP's PM candidate Narendra Modi said such politics was the domain of "arrogant" Congress. He raked up the unceremonious removal of Sitaram Kesri as the Congress President in 1998 as "Madam Sonia Gandhi" was angry against him and wanted to take over the reins of the party. While listing the examples of "anger" of Congress leaders, he referred to an incident last year when Rahul publicly termed as "nonsense" a decision of the Union Cabinet on an Ordinance and said it should be "torn". The BJP leader said that by this act, Rahul had publicly "humiliated" Prime Minister Manmohan Singh besides the Union Cabinet. "This is called anger," Modi said addressing Rahul. He said he had been at the receiving end of Congress' anger. Taking a dig, he said "four days are still left, take out your anger on me as much you can."