Monster Energy Call Of Duty Ghosts and Lava - Nikon D800

2014-05-02 8,049

This time a Monster Energy drink.
Of course the can fell over but, the lava blocked the top from blowing off just in time for the side to split.

Its very easy to see the can melting away in this video.

There's no flying shrapnel. The can simply splits open as it explodes.

As stated in the other videos in this series, the can no longer exists. It melted and has been broken down to molecules.

Future archaeologists will find the islands many landfills when they become exposed by erosion as the islands sink back into the ocean.
Nice garbage atolls full of disposable diapers. Or future lava flows will reenact what I'm doing here at a scale millions of times larger.

The videos weren't shot recently nor in a national park. Those of you unfamiliar with Hawaii, the lava flows outside of the park often. Even on private property.
It doesn't care what's in its path and it destroys everything.

This series of videos is scientific in nature seeing how differing sealed objects react to the 2000 degree lava hitting it.