Ulnar artery

2014-04-30 1

Ulnar artery
Ulnar Artery
The ulnar artery enters the hand anterior to the flexor
retinaculum on the lateral side of the ulnar nerve and
the pisiform bone (Fig. 9.62). The artery gives off a deep
branch and then continues into the palm as the superficial
palmar arch.
The superficial palmar arch is a direct continuation of
the ulnar artery (Fig. 9.62). On entering the palm, it curves
laterally behind the palmar aponeurosis and in front of the
long flexor tendons. The arch is completed on the lateral
side by one of the branches of the radial artery. The curve
of the arch lies across the palm, level with the distal border
of the fully extended thumb.
Four digital arteries arise from the convexity of the arch
and pass to the fingers (Fig. 9.62).
The deep branch of the ulnar artery arises in front
of the flexor retinaculum, passes between the abductor
digiti minimi and the flexor digiti minimi, and joins the
radial artery to complete the deep palmar arch (Figs. 9.67