The Hyderabad 48 Hour Film Projects 2012 :
The world’s largest and most popular short film competition, The 48 Hour Film Project (48HFP) happened for the first time in Hyderabad in April 2012.
60 teams comprising professional, amateur and student filmmakers have signed up to take part in the competition. The registered teams met on Friday April 6 at the Kick Off event and allotted a genre, a prop, a character and a dialogue which is common to all the teams to go ahead and make the film.
At 7 pm sharp the teams set off for the most creative challenge of their lives – to script, shoot, edit and score a short film in just 48 hours in the specified genre. On Sunday April 8 at 7 pm, teams returned with their film.
Vinay came out with the concept of “The Last Page” and went on to finish the Short film in stipulated time and Genre and the Props provided. The film won an award for the “Best Dialogue Usage”
This award is also the first for “Kauphy Times” which is a part of Kauphy Talkies Pvt Ltd which produced this short film and is inspired by this endeavor to do, more such productions.