Foxxy Reviews: Outlast (Ps4)

2014-04-30 184

Originally uploaded to youtube on 4/30/14

Foxxy here reviewing Outlast for the Ps4.
Is it really all that scary? Better yet is it even a good game at all?
Ehh who knows you'll have to watch the video.

As i say in the beginning i've always been skeptical of this game. To be honest im skepticle of anything people hype up and say its the "best, scariest, blah blah blah, thing ever." Because i get myself so hyped up hearing all these people say how amazing it is and when i play it im almost always let down.

Was i let down with Outlast? Again you'll have to watch and see.
I will however say that this game doesnt got shit over Fatal Frame or Eternal Darkness.

Outro videos from top to bottom

1. Foxxy reviews "Game Traveler Case" for PSvita
link --->

2. Foxxy reviews: Resogun
Link --->