The World's Deadliest Animal

2014-04-29 486

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, recently posted an infographic on his blog showing the world's deadliest animal. According to the data, except during times of war, mosquitoes kill significantly more people every year than any other animal, including other humans.

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, recently posted an infographic on his blog showing the deadliest animals in the world.

According to the data, except during times of war, mosquitoes kill significantly more people every year than any other animal, including other humans.

By sharing information about the insects as part of his blog’s Mosquito Week, Gates is trying to spread awareness about the deaths caused by mosquitoes, especially children and elderly people living in the developing countries of Africa and Asia.

Mosquitoes reportedly kill around 725 thousand people a year by spreading diseases like dengue fever, yellow fever, encephalitis, and West Nile virus among others.

That’s more deaths than are caused by other mammals, insects, and reptiles combined.

Gates is quoted as saying: “Considering their impact, you might expect mosquitoes to get more attention than they do.”

By far the deadliest infectious disease spread by mosquitoes is malaria, which killed an estimated 627 thousand people in the year 2012.

There are around 3 thousand different species of mosquitoes, but only three kinds are responsible for spreading the vast majority of human diseases.

Mosquitoes live on every continent except Antarctica, and they are the third most populous animals, only outnumbered by termites and ants