Anarchast Ep. 100 with Luke Rudkowski - Being the change you wish to see

2014-04-25 27

On this, the 100th episode of Anarchast, Jeff Berwick interviews
legendary truth activist Luke Rudowski of We Are Change. Luke has
earned himself millions of views on the Internet by confronting
powerful figures such as Dick Cheney, Ben Bernanke and even the
Rothschilds face-to-face. Luke doesn't like labels, but he was brought
into the liberty movement by the events of 9/11. Having been an
instrumental figure in the spreading of 9/11 truth, Luke then started
We Are Change in 2006. Jeff and Luke discuss the history of We Are
Change, Bohemian Grove, 9/11, CIABook (Facebook), Google & the New
World Order/global government. Jeff credits Luke with one of the
people who woke him up to 9/11 truth.