Stunning Drone Footage Captures Falcon 9 Rocket Test

2014-04-22 351

A video was recently taken, showcasing the Falcon 9 reusable or F9R rocket flying upwards from its launch pad.

What will Elon Musk think of next? Trips to space incur significant cost and Musk’s company SpaceX is working on what they call the Falcon 9 reusable or F9R rocket to address this aspect.

A video was recently taken, showcasing the prototype rocket flying upwards from its launch pad. The footage, which was captured by a drone, shows the rocket rising to over 800 feet high and then hovering in the air.

Most impressive of all though, is the fact that the craft came right back down and landed perfectly at its testing facility in Texas.

Typical rockets are limited to single use. After they are launched into space, they separate from the main craft and fall back down towards Earth, usually landing in the ocean for safety reasons.

The prototype’s successful first test flight is part of SpaceX’s F9R testing program and their ultimate goal is a fully reusable rocket which Musk hopes will halve the cost of launch fees.

The next step in the process entails testing the Falcon 9’s ability to launch and operate with ‘unpowered guidance’ at higher altitudes and perhaps more importantly, land under a controlled descent.