Easter's Holy Fire burns bright in Mideast

2014-04-19 348


Thousands of Christian worshippers on Saturday (April 19) celebrated Easter's Holy Fire ceremony at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.

Christians in the West Bank city of Bethlehem welcome arrival of the Holy Fire with street celebrations, and at the Church of the Nativity.

The Holy Fire is considered a miracle occurring every year on Holy Saturday, the day preceding Orthodox Easter Sunday.

Clergymen lit candles from coals in the church yard, and later worshippers lit each other's candles and watched a procession of clergymen entering the Church of Nativity.

Inside the church, people in the crowd held candles and sang while clergymen held mass at the alter.

The Easter holiday culminates on Easter Sunday when Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead, three days after being crucified.