Khaleda Zia's Speech at Sramik Dol Program

2014-04-19 6,551

BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia to government , while too low , the government can not long survive . To take leave of them . After elimination of all accounts - will give scripture .
Working group at the Institute of Engineers in the city on Saturday, the seventh opening session of the Conference and Council, Khaleda Zia said .
Election under a caretaker government , demanding faster Khaleda Zia said the government should resign in shame in the polls under a caretaker government paid .
BNP chairperson said , " illegal government " intelligence has left Abu Bakr Siddique . If you are not from here would launch a movement to overthrow the government . He said Abu bakarake day - was dumped on . When people are protesting , protests began to come from different places of the world , the government has not given up on him when he saw the terrible consequences .
To the former prime minister said , " still holding those who leave . September - We have calculated murder . You 're constantly working against humanity . To respond to these . '
She said to the government , they will not have long arms . Will start off the day when people will turn towards the arms of government . The government ' disappearance - murdered - killed off in a systematic way and negotiation called the natural environment .
In order to solve the water problem in the future assured Khaleda Zia .
Nazrul Islam Khan chaired the working group's president . Among others, BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir Hossain Chowdhury , general secretary of the Labour party , BNP vice-chairman Abdullah Al Noman and others spoke . Council working group will be tomorrow .

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