Uncle Sam's New York Tours : Wall Street Walking Tours and Ground Zero Tours

2014-04-17 10

Here is a tour that takes the bull by the horns with an ambitious walk amid the staggering culture of money and the historical treasures of the world's financial epicenter.(http://unclesamsnewyork.com/tours/18/Alexander_Hamilton_Financial_District_Walking_Tour/)

This is the tour for those inextricably drawn to the World Trade Center site—who seek to comprehend firsthand the horrific events of 9/11 (http://unclesamsnewyork.com/tours/32/Heroes_Of_The_World_Trade_Center_Tour/) and pay their respects to those who perished.

Visit : http://unclesamsnewyork.com/
Address : 100 Maiden lane, suite 1409, New York City, NY 10038, USA
Call us : 212-888-8769

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