First Blood Moon Delights Observers

2014-04-15 183

Depending on location, in the late evening hours of Monday or the wee morning hours of Tuesday, April 15th, those who were awake and staring at the sky may have caught a very rare sight of the first blood moon.

Depending on location, in the late evening hours of Monday or the wee morning hours of Tuesday, April 15th, those who were awake and staring at the sky may have caught a very rare sight.

The moon turned a unique shade of red as it morphed into differing phases.

"I really love astronomy. We just think it's so pretty." [KCAL]

When Earth aligns with the sun and casts a shadow on the moon, it creates the effect known as a lunar eclipse where the moon gets darker as the shadow passes. As this happens, the color of the moon changes to a dark rusty red color, so it is sometimes referred to as a blood moon.

Both astronomers and star gazers have been looking forward to this phenomenon for some time. The most recent lunar eclipse is the first of four blood moon eclipses that are slated to occur within the next two years in North America.

Many people in both North and South America woke up in time to see and capture the rare sight. Said an astronomy teacher, Gene Ireland “Everyone is always looking down at their phones, their iPads. We want them looking up. Looking up, you see a whole different world. Getting away from the cities and traffic, and the sky is just beautiful.”

If you missed this eclipse, save the following dates. October 8th of 2014 and April 4th along with September 28th of 2015 will offer similar gorgeous views.