I have lost 2 inches off my waist but, i have been burning calories by working out. I am losing baby fat. and getting more and more comments about how i am looking too skinny... I actually haven't lost any weight. I will be making a youtube video showing you what i eat from Friday evening till Sunday... you will be surprised and asking yourself how i am losing my fat.
Website: http://therealmissyg.weebly.com/
Google+ Missy G or https://plus.google.com/118059250770555971855/posts
Google+ business: https://plus.google.com/b/103006452492510496738/103006452492510496738/posts
Twitter: @therealmissyg
Instagram: missyg1010
Pinterest: missyg1010
Tumblr: http://missyg1010.tumblr.com/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/missyg.page.?fref=ts
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/MissyG10
Flickr MissyG1010
email missyg1010@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ0r6R6vtv2F08FGLee7-Vg
The UPS Store #3145
330006 W 7 Mile Road
Livonia, Michigan
My Canadian UPS store is assigning me an account # then i will have that active too.