DKN - Vibro Plate for Upper Body Workout _ www.healthierliving4you

2014-04-11 94

This video takes you through a upper body workout, a pre-programmed workout on the DKN Xg 3.0 vibro plate exercise machine and how to properly use the machine. Toll Free: 1-866-745-5743. Also available DKN Xg 5.0 Pro, DKN xg 10, DKN Xg 10 Pro

Some Benefits of Whole Body Vibration Strengthen and Tone Muscles Increase Bone Density Increase "FEEL GOOD" Hormone Increase Endorphin Increase Serotonin Increase Blood Flow Increase Flexibility Increase Range of Motion Increase Balance Mechanism (Proprioceptive System) Reduce Lower Back Pain Reduce Stress & Effects of Stress

The greater frequency range, in between 20 to 50 Hz, with interval steps of 5 Hz, the touch screen, back-lighted panel, with DKN's integrated virtual coach, visualizing graphic exercise positions, and with 12 integrated programs: the DKN Xg10 Pro Vibration Exercise Machine matches intensive exercising. This model has revolutionized the whole body Vibration industry with it's beautiful 3D screen!

The construction is 100% high grade steel, reinforced with carbon fibre, to control the high performance acceleration. This machine is made for intensive home use as well as professional use.

If you're looking for a high quality machine that needs to be used all day everyday the DKN Xg10 Pro is the right vibration trainer for you.

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