In the fall of 2010, I was feeling really run down, lethargic, weak and it seemed like I was at the end of my life. I went to my doctor and got some blood tests that showed my blood sugar A1c level was 6.9, which meant I was diabetic. He then prescribed medication at a high dose but that caused a lot of bad side effects, so I searched online and found your Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Mangosteen Capsules.
I have been taking your capsules as was suggested to me, 2 capsules an hour before each meal. Before taking your Freeze Dried Mangosteen Capsules my blood sugar would always spike after every meal. It is now 3 months later and I received the latest A1c tests results and this has dropped to 4.9! That isn't even a PRE-Diabetic level! I no longer have sugar spikes after consuming a meal and my doctors have supported my decision to continue using your Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Mangosteen in replace of my diabetic medication.
I have other friends who are now using your product, after seeing my results and are having similar results and experiences.
Thanks Natural Home Cures.