Our mango-man politico and Delhi's former chief minister, Arvind Kejriwal and his Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) top the list of popularity in Indian politics. Impressed by Kejriwal's performance in the recent Delhi elections, comedian Kapil Sharma had expressed his wish to invite him on his comedy show Comedy Nights with Kapil. And Kejriwal had accepted his invitation too. But now we hear that due to his swollen face, he has opted out of the show.
According to a source, “Mr. Arvind Kejriwal had accepted Kapil's invitation to be a part of his show. He is also very fond of Kapil and he was suppose to shoot for a special episode today (April 9, 2014), but owing to yesterday's incident (Kejriwal was slapped by an auto rickshaw driver during a road show by AAP in Sultanpuri area in northwest Delhi ) he cancelled making an appearance on the show at the last moment. Today, he had some meetings lined up in Delhi for the same matter. "@ NSTV