Prince George's right royal play date

2014-04-09 685


Mingling with ten other babies and their parents on Wednesday (April 9), royal duties seemed to come naturally to Britain's Prince George, son of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

He was described as " lovely, intrepid and feisty" during his first public engagement after his christening.

The eight-month-old prince took centre stage at Government House in Wellington as he crawled confidently and happily among other children, while his mother Catherine, popularly known as Kate, looked on.

Prince William, his father and second in line to the British throne, was not too far away chatting to other first time parents of Royal New Zealand Plunket Society, a group catering to the health services of babies and young children.

The invitations to the play date where sent out to families were seen as representing the diversity of New Zealand, including same-sex couple Gerard Mullen and Ryan Tunstall, fathers of Isabella.

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