Tea Beyond Heat resistant Glass Teapot Juliet

2014-04-07 37

Buy it on amazon: http://amzn.to/1lLmSjE

The good people at Tea Beyond sent me the... Juliet(?) for review but they did not ask and I did not offer or promise a 'positive' review in exchange.

After using glass teapots for the past few years I find that I prefer them to porcelain. Yes, mass-produced glass doesn't allow for elaborate ornaments and decorations but this is the point actually: transparent and simple make the teapot beautiful. Glass teapots allow us to focus on the tea not the pot and the experience is subtly different every time tea is prepared and consumed. It changes constantly as the temperature and the nature of the infusion change in time and you can't see that when the tea is held in opaque porcelain or iron pots.

Juliet's form is not ad perfect and streamlined as I'd prefer and the pink accents on the handle and the cover's top are slightly overdone distractions but it's still pretty and functional for a 'tea for one' pot. The all-glass assembly (pot, cover and strainer) demand that it's treated with care but those who use it should be rewarded with an enhanced tea-drinking and tea-watching experience.