Mitt Romney Lying About Mormonism

2007-04-04 2,378

What a joke!! Mitt flat out lies his ASS off, when stating that Noah's ark is the biggest difference between Mormonism and other religions. Come on Mitt, don't forget your magic undies now, which you were wearing during that very interview!!

Yeah, if anyone has any questions about Mitt's religion, which he admits is a huge part of his life and that he's "DEVOUT"; go ask the church!!

What kind of bullshit answer is that and then he says he's happy to talk about it? Come on Mitt, quit doing the dance and just come clean about your cult that you are so proud of.

He has been a leader in the cult as a Bishop and Stake President, knows the doctrines and teachings inside and out and Romney also comes from polygamy and is directly blood related to Parley Pratt, his great-great grandfather, who was an apostle in the Mormon church, and had 12 wives.

Romney has also joked about polygamy, saying in various settings that to him, "marriage is between a man and a woman...and a woman and a woman."

Quite frankly, I find that sick, as I don't find the history of polygamy to be the least bit funny, rather tragic. I guess the fact that Mitt Romney comes from polygamy and doesn't give a shit about it, makes it funny to him.

I guess that's why he also supports Joseph Smith, who was a serial adulterer and had sex with girls as young as 14 and other men's wives, in secret from his first wife Emma. Yeah, this is the shit that Mitt finds comical. What an ass!!