Accepting Gay Marriage May Lead to Mass Murder of African Christians says Archbishop of Canterbury

2014-04-04 29

.The Archbishop of Canterbury, The Most Rev Justin Welby, has said the Church of England accepting gay marriage could be "catastrophic" for Christians in other parts of the world.
.Hundreds of Christians in Africa had been killed by people who associated Christianity with homosexuality.
.. .Speaking on his first live phone-in on LBC Radio, Archbishop Welby recalled visiting a grave in South Sudan where 369 people had been buried.
. .He said the victims had been killed because local people believed allowing a Christian community to exist would mean "we would all be made to become homosexual".
."That burns itself into your soul", he said. "As does the suffering of gay people in this country."
. .He also spoke of visiting a group of Christians in Africa who had been attacked because of policies of churches in America.