CGR Undertow - ITTLE DEW review for PC

2014-04-03 791

Ittle Dew review.
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Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow review of Ittle Dew for PC developed and published by Ludosity.

You can tell that Ittle Dew wants to get back to the magic of the original Legend of Zelda (and, by extention, Link to the Past), but with its own brand of absurd humor. (Caution: May contain dancing turnips, psychotic axe-wielding girls in fox suits, and apathetic frogs.) They set out to make a modern take on the puzzle-centric dungeon crawler, and they succeeded in doing exactly that: Ittle Dew contains all the block-sliding, item-gathering, room-solving action you'd expect from Nintendo's flagship adventure, just... stranger.

This video review features video gameplay footage of Ittle Dew for PC and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's TJ.