How Can You Get the Most from Your ISO 9000 Certification

2014-04-02 13
What is an ISO 9001 certification? Most people think that its an exercise in putting together documents for the auditor to see so that a certification would be issued. This is not true. Before, the ISO standard focused less on the results and needed a lot of documents. This is according to individuals who have worked with ISO for a lot of years. This was considered by lots of managers and business owners as part of the operating expense and as something which is not helpful to any company.

The good news is that the focus on the revised ISO standard is more on improving business processes and not on putting together documents for the auditor. This new method has had a major effect on the outcome achieved by certified businesses as seen by customers, shareholders, top management and workers. At present, both the customer and business needs of a company are being improved with this new "Process Approach".