Exclusive Pics!!! Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel's Wedding - La Lista - Ep 3

2014-04-01 1

It's La Lista, your weekly dose of chisme, bochinche y farándula! Co-hosts Lulu y Lala, aka Las Gemelas, bring you the 5 juiciest showbiz stories of the week and let you know who's in the right, who's been wronged, and who's gone just plain crazy. This week's list includes Disney's "first pass' at a Latina Princess; Lindsey Lohan's battle with her father for control of her life; shocking details of what drove Britney Spears to madness -- was it Justin Timberlake, crystal meth, or both?; exclusive pictures of the very same Justin Timberlake's and Jessica Biel's nuptial event (with a cameo by Crazy Britney); and Ashton Kutcher earns a hashtag with all his #whining for money!

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