Pervert cop disguised as teen girl to swap nude pics with high school boys

2014-04-01 10

Michael Gerard Stavris II, an alleged nasty pervert who moonlights as a Sergeant with the Bunnell Police Department in Florida has been arrested on allegations he posed as a teen girl to get high school boys to send him sexually explicit photos.

The towering, 400-pound, thirty-year-old was employed as an after-hours school cop in Jacksonville and, it seems, has a thing for teenaged boys.

Stavris accused of stealing the identity of a 16-year-old girl and using Facebook to groom his targets.

The affidavit claims he would use the bogus profile to 'friend' teen boys and gain their trust, taking advantage of their lust by sending them lurid photos of teen girls in exchange for photos of their genitals.

It's alleged he also offered to meet one student and perform oral sex in return for photos of the teen masturbating.

The affidavit accuses Stavris of running the ruse for a full year until November last year. As many as 40 students from various schools in the area under 18 were discovered in his Facebook friends list.

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