Manhattan teen predator uses Samsung Galaxy to film rape of teenage girl

2014-04-01 2

A New York teen has been charged with felony rape after allegedly assaulting a 17-year-old girl while his friend taped the whole thing on his cellphone earlier this month.

Romeo Hollenbeck, 16, and his friend Salvatore Derogatis went with a female friend of theirs to Derogatis' lower Manhattan apartment at around 7 p.m. on March 8th. Hollenbeck persuaded the young girl to consume some marijuana before expressing his desire to have sex with her.

The girl, who began to feel faint and dizzy, told Hollenbeck she did not wish to have intercourse with him. Hollenbeck didn't take "No" for an answer and forcibly held her down, removing her pants and underwear. Hollenbeck next instructed Derogatis to film the incident, which he did on his Samsung Galaxy phone.

The teenage predator and his twisted wannabe-porn director friend have since been arrested. Hollenbeck has been charged with felony rape, unlawful surveillance and marijuana possession.

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