College Offers Sociology Course on Miley Cyrus

2014-03-28 1

Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York is offering a summer class called 'The Sociology of Miley Cyrus: Race, Class, Gender and Media' that focuses on the pop star’s image and career.

Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York is offering a summer sociology class called 'The Sociology of Miley Cyrus: Race, Class, Gender and Media' that focuses on the pop star’s image and career.

Cyrus started off in the spotlight at a young age as the star of the Disney Channel’s Hannah Montana, and now she is covered in the media for her wild behavior.

Professor Caralyn Chernoff who developed the class says that the transition of Cyrus’ image and how people react to her presence in the media are relevant and challenging topics for social studies to analyze.

Chernoff is quoted as saying: “I was teaching a course called Youth Culture in and out of School, and the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards became the twerk heard ’round the world. I showed that video to my class, and the students had so much to say.”

After the response from her students, Chernoff gave a lecture and group discussion on the subject, and students gave her positive feedback, so she decided to expand it into a summer course.

She is still developing the syllabus, and student reactions have been varied so far with some people saying it is just an attempt to attract students, and other saying they are interested to learn more about how society relates to Miley Cyrus.

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