Afghan refugees yearn to vote

2014-03-28 156

In Afghanistan, election fever is gaining pitch with candidates wooing potential voters everyday.

But here at this refugee camp on the outskirts of Peshawar, April 5 will just be another ordinary day.

There are 80 camps like this across Pakistan home to some 1.6 million Afghan refugees.

But none of them will have a say in who will be the next leader of the country.

Many can't return home due to the violence for the April 5 polls. Others are just too poor.


"We are unable to go to Afghanistan. Therefore, it would be nice if an office is set up here. We will vote for whoever is a good candidate."

When incumbent president Hamid Karzai was voted into power in 2004, candidates ran lively campaigns in Pakistan, heralding a democratic rule after the fall of the Taliban.

But this time, the elections are a far away event on the other side of the border.