nine air force nuclear commanders fired over 'cheating scandal'!!! (links below)

2014-03-28 19

this is very interesting, considering obama just spoke to a 'nuclear threat' in NYC being of more importance than the crimea/russia issue... AND... homeland security just cut funding of around $6 million to detect radiation in NYC. pay attention, folks... i know you're reading my mind.

on the issue of the ukraine, it is clear that both the u.s. and russia went against their promises to 'protect' the ukraine, on the condition they relinquish nuclear weapons. people are stll debating as to weather or not the vote for crimea to secede was legal.

so the question is, was romney correct on russia being a huge "geopolitical foe"? for anyone who has been paying an even remote attention since the 1950s (at the very least), it's clear that russia is not simply a 'regional' power.