SAP TESTING online training India @ SAP TESTING Training

2014-03-28 25 - " sap testing Online Training" contact or +919052666559 By Real Time Experts from Hyderabad, Bangalore,India,USA,Canada,UK, Australia,South Africa.
SAP Testing Overview:----
SAP is the heartbeat of the global economy. SAP R/3 is an ERP software package implementation designed to coordinate all the key elements required to complete the business process. SAP designed into different functional modules covering the typical functions of an organization.

The most widely used functional modules are:
1.Sales and Distribution
2.Finance and Controls
3.Material Management
4.Production Planning
5.Plant maintenance
6.Human Resource

Testing the functionality of the application in front end (GUI), working as expected with the newly updated configuration. Don't want to find an issue in production after you make the changes, consequently regression testing in a QA environment SAP environment undergoes continual change .

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