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What is DNS?
DNS stands for Domain name system/service/server,when we type any web address for example
in our web browser ,Request goes to DNS and DNS changes this address to computer readable
format like also called as IP address.
Cache: We often visit the same sites rather than repeatedly asking dns which is computer on internet for
same address all the time, we store this information locally on our computers,In many cases it's fine,
but sometimes we need to flush our Dns cache.
How to Clear DNS Cache On your computer?
Step 1: Go to Start Menu and in search bar type "cmd" without quotes. or press win+r and type cmd and hit enter.
Step 2: Opne cmd.exe
step 3: In the window type command "ipconfig /flushdns" without quotes and hit enter button.
Step 4: It's Done ,you have successfully removed DNS cache from your computer
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