Earlier we reported that Kangana Ranaut has replaced Vidya Balan to play a female lead in Kahaani fame director Sujoy Ghosh's next film, titled as Durga Singh Rani. Now we have learnt that the very versatile actress will be again seen in an unconventional role in the film here. Wondering what she is now heading up to?
Well, Kangana has finally given her nod for the film, and according to sources, the actress will be seen playing the role of a 35-year-old mother in it. Yes, you heard it right! Moreover, what sets Kangna's role in the film of a mother quite different from other typical roles, is the fact that she will be playing a parent to a 14 year old paralytic girl. Hmmm... Now that's something out of the box!
Seems like Kangana is very much keen to break out the mould cast of her that she performed successfully in earlier films!
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