Girl Shaves Her Head to Support Friend with Cancer, Gets Barred from School

2014-03-25 4

Kamryn Renfro, a young old girl in Colorado, recently shaved her head to show her support for a friend who lost hers to chemotherapy.

Kamryn Renfro, a young girl in Colorado, recently shaved her head to show her support for a friend who lost hers to chemotherapy.

That act of solidarity ended up getting her barred from school, as shaved heads are restricted by the institution’s dress code.

She was told not to return until the hair had grown back.

The mother of the girl Kamryn is supporting expressed her shock at the administration’s decision, saying that she never imagined that hair was such a huge issue for the school.

Her daughter added, "It makes me sad because she was really happy to go back to school and show people what she did, but now that she didn't get to, she's kind of sad."

The school issued a statement in which the chairperson for the Board of Directors reiterated that shaved heads aren’t allowed and emphasized that the dress code was in place to provide a ‘non-distracting environment’ for the school’s students.

It didn’t take long for the story to spread via social media.

A special meeting of the board is being held to discuss Kamryn’s fate.

She will be allowed to attend classes while the decision is pending.