Judge Joe Brown Arrested for Contempt of Court

2014-03-25 5

Judge Joe Brown was recently arrested and charged with numerous counts of contempt of court.

Talk about irony. Judge Joe Brown was recently arrested and charged with numerous counts of contempt of court. For those who are unfamiliar with Judge Joe Brown, he had his very own courtroom TV show that ran for a total of 15 seasons and wrapped up last year.

Even though his show was canceled, Brown continued working in the legal system. On the day of the incident, Brown had been in court representing a client in a case pertaining to child support. Suddenly Brown erupted in court.

He reportedly became very angry because the case was not listed on the afternoon docket. He allegedly raised his voice and questioned the authority of Juvenile Court Magistrate Harold Horne.

Horne gave Brown several chances to compose himself and calm down, but when the former TV judge refused to do so, he was found in contempt.

"Mr. Brown, the court finds you in contempt."
"Here, $10 because that's all you got on me."
"You may have a seat."
"I'm not. $10." [CNN]

Just prior to the temper tantrum, Brown shook hands with people in and around the courthouse and asked them for votes, as he is running for the position of Shelby County District Attorney. Initially he was sentenced to 5 days in jail, but he was released from jail on his own recognizance.