About the guest
Andrea is a Licensed Professional Counselor, and National Certified Counselor, a Certified Counseling Supervisor, and a National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) Approved Provider of Continuing Education, with over 30 years experience in the mental health and human services field. Seven of those years were spent in Upper Management and the past 15 have been spent in a thriving solo private practice. Because of her experience in both management and psychology, Andrea offers both depth and breadth to your training experience. She understands the depth of inner experience and the intricacies of transformation. But she also understands the distinct principles of management, team dynamics and the power of true leadership. This is an unbeatable combination which means that she has a real knack for speaking to both heart and mind, and bringing the profound into the realm of applicable daily skills. Whether your intention is to grow your company's profitability or to grow your own personal or professional sense of self, Andrea can help you find your own wings and learn how to take flight.
About the book
Heaven. We say the word with both a hope of long-awaited bliss and a certain but wistful knowledge that the wait will continue. Life is hard, we say, and the world will end with a whimper or a bang by the hands of blind and evil humans. But then there's heaven. Yet, what if heaven could be experienced every day right here, right now on planet earth - and the only thing that keeps that from happening is the lie. The lie that we are separate from the Divine due to our polarized sinful, bad, even evil natures. What if, because we are blinded by that lie, we cannot see that we are already living in heaven, in fact, we ARE heaven? And what if those truths could actually be found in the Bible itself, as well as in all of the other sacred texts of the world? What if all that really needs to happen is that the scales fall off of our eyes? If that were true - would you be willing to see? Inhabiting Heaven NOW offers such a brilliant, transformative light that you will not be able, after the read, to turn it off. Its arguments are so lucid, its truths so profound, and its simultaneous practicality so real that the reader simply cannot walk away unchanged.