Incest in Veles. How to prevent cases of incest TV KANAL 5 Statement Dragi Zmijanac

2014-03-20 15

How to prevent cases of incest? TV Chanel 5 Guests: Gjorgi Chadlovski and Dragi Zmijanac, Journalist: Elizabeta Galevska
The children that were raped by their father are placed in a family care for children, however their future remains uncertain.
A few days after the disclosure of the most horrendous case of incest in the country, reactions are still loud for the future of the four children from Veles that for years have been suffering violence in their home. The judge investigating the case ordered imprisonment for the father who raped his three daughters of age three, five and seven, while the children during the weekend were temporarily taken away from the mother and put in a foster family. The main question now is; what will be the fate of the children and whether the institutions have the capacity for re-socialization and rehabilitation of the three under-aged victims, who have suffered torture in their own home for years, form parents that should have cared and protected them.
Dragi Zmijanac from The First Children's Embassy in the Word Megjashi believes that child traumas are difficult to cure. "A child that for years has been abused and raped will have traumas throughout his life. It is unlikely that in such cases anyone can completely eliminate the consequences. But the case in Veles is a classical example of the ineffectiveness of the system for the protection of children. What is missing is prevention, because all measures taken afterwards are insufficient- traumas are hard to cure" said Zmijanac.
The Minister of Labour and Social Policy Xhelal Bajrami this weekend informed that the children are safe since they will stay in the new family until the case is resolved. "The best solution is found and we hope that the children over time will forget all this. Professionals will continue to work with them", said Bajrami.

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