10 Myths About Millionaires

2014-03-18 3,226

Despite what you may think, being a millionaire isn’t all about traveling in private jets and rolling around in piles of cash.

Despite what you may think, being a millionaire isn’t all about traveling in private jets and rolling around in piles of cash.

Here are 10 common myths about the 7-figure sect.

Myth Number 10. They feel rich. According to the UBS Investor Watch, less than 30 percent of those valued between 1 and 5 million dollars felt like they had enough money to be called wealthy.

Myth Number 9. Millionaires Drive Fancy Cars. That’s just not true, says Thomas Stanley, co-author of ‘The Millionaire Next Door’. 1 in 10 drive Toyotas and among millionaire engineers, that number increases to 1 in 4.

Myth Number 8. Growing up rich is easy. Children of wealthy people are more likely to develop mental health issues. Experts say it’s because of the greater pressure they feel to become successful themselves.

Myth Number 7. Money can’t buy happiness. A recent study shows that it actually can. Based on data culled from sources such as Gallup World and the World Bank, there does seem to be a direct correlation between bigger bank accounts and heightened bliss. The researchers say there is no cut-off point at which that relationship stops working.

Myth Number 6. Millionaires are a rarity. While that was true at one time, recent years have seen their numbers escalate dramatically. In 2013 their ranks increased by 7 percent, with a total count of 9.63 million.

Myth Number 5. The path to riches is paved with careers in medicine and law. Doctors and lawyers actually only represent 2 percent of millionaire households. Managers and educators, on the other hand, account for 12 percent. Part of that is due to how many breadwinners there are per household. The latter are more likely to have 2, where as the former typically live in single-income homes.

Myth Number 4. Millionaires pay a lower percentage of income tax. Income is still subject to up to 35 percent. However, their effective rate may be lower because a significant chunk of income comes from capital gains and dividends, which is generally taxed at up to 15 percent.

Myth Number 3. Rich people would be more charitable as they have more money. Sadly, that’s not the case. They may have more, but it’s the regular guy that gives more. In fact, those with incomes between 50 and 75 thousand give about 3 times more of their discretionary money than those who pull in 200 thousand or more do.

Myth Number 2. There are few millionaires in Congress. Nope. About half of the people voting on food stamps, unemployment, and minimum wage are millionaires.

Myth Number 1. Most millionaires were born that way. Truth be told, not too many were at all. 86 percent of today’s financial heavyweights are self-made.