Walmart-induced acid trip: LSD-laced meat hospitalizes Florida family

2014-03-17 1

A Tampa, Florida family who had bought meat from a local Walmart were hospitalized last week after eating steak laced with LSD, according to a report by the New York Daily News.

After consuming bottom round steak for dinner last Monday, Ronnie Moralez's family noticed something was off.

The meal left Moralez, 24, feeling dangerously ill and suffering from all the hallmark symptoms of a bad acid trip.

His girlfriend, Jessica Rosado, who was nine months pregnant, rushed him to a nearby hospital, but the 31-year-old woman also succumbed to the effects of the tainted meat. As did the couple's 6- and 7-year-old daughters, Elyana and Royna.

The entire family was hospitalized and Rosado was forced into induced labor and gave birth to a healthy boy.

Investigators collected forensic evidence from the family's home and preliminary results no doubt dispelled suspicions they may have had about the family's odd story.

"Initial test results received today from the Hillsborough County Medical Examiner's Office determined the family consumed bottom round steak contaminated with LSD," read a statement released by Tampa police on Friday.

Walmart for its part has reportedly been fully cooperative with the investigation and a spokesperson assured the public they were taking the incident "very seriously."


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