Werewolf man groomed child for sex, Ohio police say

2014-03-15 4

Meet Mark Edwards, smalltime animal trapper and mall cop by day. But by night, he was Nagamishe Shiro, Kinky cosplaying demon slayer, and leader of The Slayer Covenant, "a worldwide secret organization of werewolves, vampires, werecats or hell cats, and hybrid humans that work together to protect the human race from the evil of demons and other evil vampires or werewolves.'"

That's freaking amazing!

Except he was actually a dude in a mask messing around with teenage girls in the woods. Then, last year one of his coterie of underage sword wielding vixens, 14 year old, Michaela Bruce, told her mom, Tammy Bruce, that she and Shiro, er, Edwards, had been doing it. So Ms. Bruce promptly had the leader of the Slayer Covenant arrested.

But while out on bail for the first charge, Edwards skipped town with the girl. In an unfortunate choice of words, Ms. Bruce described Edwards brainwashing of her daughter by saying "her little brain has been drilled over and over and over".

But, on February 28, Edwards and the girl ran into friend, RaMondo Brandon, who convinced Edwards to turn himself in, ending the amber alert and sending the demon slayer back to jail.


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