A two year old girl named Sofia Flores, living in Southern California was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and is now in need of a bone marrow transplant donor.
A two year old girl named Sofia Flores, living in Southern California was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and is now in need of a bone marrow transplant donor.
The kind of cancer known as acute myeloid leukemia is only found in one percent of children.
"She really needs to save her life is a bone marrow transplant. Since we don't have any other children, we are relying on an unrelated donor but unfortunately, there's no match in the national bone marrow registry." [Miracle Marrow Matches]
Having multiracial ethnicity is also making it more difficult for Sophia to find a compatible donor because 7 out of the 10 million donors in the bank are predominantly of Caucasian descent.
Sara Arroyo, outreach and recruitment coordinator for A3M, is trying to help Sophia because quote: “She is in dire need. She is starting the first of her next two rounds of chemotherapy and after that she’ll be ready for another transplant. So far no one in the registry is compatible.”
Donor drives will continue at One World Trade Center in Long Beach, California to try to find someone who is compatible and could possibly save Sophia’s life.