Aronofsky confronts controversies at Noah premiere

2014-03-14 363

The story of the flood has been brought to life in Darren Aronofsky's "Noah". The film is a reworking of the fable from the Bible about a man chosen by God to create an ark to save his family and all the animals from the impending deluge.

As the story also features in the Quran, the film has been banned in three Arab countries on the grounds that it breaks Islam's taboo of depicting a prophet in art forms. There are also expected to be outcries from religious groups when the film finally hits cinemas.

However, at the European premiere of the movie in Berlin, Aronofsky shrugged off the supposed controversy surrounding the film.

SOUNDBITE 'Noah' director Darren Aronofsky, saying (English)

"I don't think there really is that big of a controversy. Most of the controversy is about the unknown. I think as soon as people start to see the film, tonight and in the following weeks, the controversy is going to disappear. People have to see the film and see how it relat