The Poaching Phone - Advertising Agency Promo - PR Ad

2014-03-13 13

We set out to expand our creative department, but hiring talent in the region is a constant struggle. Headhunters charge exuberant fees, so we did our homework and captured the attention of the region's best talent using the ultimate creative recruiter The Poaching Phone. Faux industry Self help books were personalised to potential recruits and demonstrated how they could advance their career with us. Inside each book, an ordinary phone was concealed in die-cut pages and programmed with only one contact, our ECDs number. FP7 DUBAI then sent it out to infiltrate Dubai's top Ad Agencies. Within a week, we received the phone calls we were hoping for. A month later, we had 4 new members join our creative family. In the end, we saved 97% of our projected recruitment costs with a simple phone.
Category: Self promotion
Client: FP7/DXB
Agency: FP7 Dubai
Country: United Arab Emirates
Executive Creative Director: Paul Banham
Art Director: Joseph Alipio
Creative Director/ AD / copywriter: Ali Mokdad
Creative Director/ art director: Husen Baba
Creative Director/ AD / copywriter: Paul Banham
Agency Producer: Khalid Hamza
Designer: Ryan Atkinson
Designer: Erol Salcinovic
Designer: Laila Mokdad
Jacques Mulder, Ashraf Mohammed Unnay, Adam Browning Hill
The Promo / PR Ad titled The Poaching Phone was done by Fp7 Dubai advertising agency for product: Advertising Agency (brand: FP7/DXB) in United Arab Emirates. It was released in the Mar 2014.