Missing plane mystery deepens after fifth day of fruitless search

2014-03-12 183

Malaysia is now expanding its search for the jetliner missing since Saturday.

It has emerged that military radar may have detected the aircraft travelling hundreds of miles off course, in a completely different direction to its intended flight plan.

More countries have joined the search, which is now being extended to the northern Malacca Strait.

“42 ships and 39 aircraft have now been deployed to search for MH317,” said Transport Minister, Hishamuddin Hussein. “This is a multinational operation.”

“And the more time that passes, I fear that the search and rescue becomes just a search but we will never give up hope.”

There were 239 people on board the airliner.

Many of their relatives have now travelled to Malaysia to wait it out.

They are becoming increasingly frustrated with the lack of progress and the often conflicting statements from those in charge of search.

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