School Closed After Dogs Attack Deer Inside Premises

2014-03-12 250

Surveillance footage at the Southern Middle School in Lothian, Maryland recently captured three deer running inside the building at a little before 4 in the morning. The camera also captured two dogs pacing the exterior of the school, making it clear the deer had been chased.

Surveillance cameras at the Southern Middle School in Lothian, Maryland recently captured footage of three deer running into the building at a little before 4 in the morning.

One deer was running so fast, it crashed through the glass door of the school. Shortly thereafter, the other deer quickly followed suit and entered the structure.

The footage also shows two dogs pacing on the exterior of the school, making it clear the deer had been chased. It didn’t take long for the canines to jump through the broken glass and continue pursuing the wild animals inside the building.

Police were dispatched to the school after the creatures triggered the alarm system. Two deer were badly injured. When officers entered the school, they found one of them being attacked by a German Shepherd.

Another was found sitting on the floor, covered in bite marks. The third deer was found dead in a hallway. The two injured animals were soon euthanized due to the extent of their injuries.

The dogs were placed into the custody of animal control. They were reportedly not strays. Classes at both the middle and elementary school were closed on the day of the deer attack.

The damages at the school are estimated to be between 3 and 5 thousand dollars.