Bosnian Pyramids 32000 years old Manmade STONE Secret of the Pyramids discovery Europe Egypt origin MYTHic Dec 20, 2013

2014-03-12 1,138

It appears that Pyramids in general, were gold mines. Gold occurs with tufa (tuff, a white chalky soft rock similar to un-hardened cement), and tufa hardens to stone with air exposure. While mining out the tufa, they formed it into bricks, sometimes also firing it like ceramic, to prevent it from becoming in the way of the mine hole excavation. Therefore, these are gold mines, which explains the American assault on Sam Osmanogovich in Bosnia for his excavation and discovery of the Bosnian Pyramids, and the panic seen by American Archaeological institutes trying to stop his work by force - - the tunnels below, are common to ALL pyramids, the actual mines; these folks seek to go FIRST to the new pyramid site, looking for the gold. This explains an awful lot - Bosnia's lab tests showed the "stone" to be highly advanced manmade concrete - there was no stone moving, stone cutting as has been lied about all along, and it seems, the Freemasons know this secret, for a very long time, creating the myth of their having descended from the "stone cutters", all the way to the symbol on the reverse of the american dollar bill - pyramid with glowing eye above - pyramid means literally, pyre + midden, or "fire hill" probably for the extra step of firing these bricks to stone to make them permanent and strong, to withstand rain if tufa content was extra-low, etc.