PHILIPPINES' PRIDE: Engr. Muriel Moral, Our First-ever Mrs. Universe-Intelligence Winner

2014-03-11 2

This video is an interview (at Mornings@ANC, a TV News Program of ABS-CBN TV Station in Manila, Philippines) with the beauty queen & titleholder, the 1988 BINIBINING PILIPINAS-MAJA INTERNATIONAL, who is also the 2010 MRS. UNIVERSE-PHILIPPINES, CIVIL ENGINEER, MARIA MURIEL "LALA" MORAL, who made a REMARKABLE, universal record, history, and distinction as the very first lady and beauty queen of our entire Planet and of the Universe to win and to be crowned the first-ever-awarded INTELLIGENCE TITLE in the Universe, the MRS. UNIVERSE-INTELLIGENCE (at the 2010 MRS. UNIVERSE PAGEANT & FORUM held in Lithuania in Europe).

A universal INTELLIGENCE TITLE has never been awarded by any major, national and international/global beauty-and-brains contest or competition (by Miss and Mrs. pageants, and by Mister/Mr. pageants, too) in history in our Planet. The MRS. UNIVERSE PAGEANT (dubbed as THE MOTHER OF ALL CROWNS & PAGEANTS) is the one who awarded it first -- to a Filipino woman, to ENGR. MURIEL MORAL.

Indeed, INTELLIGENCE is VERY SIGNIFICANT for it is one of the 2 MOST IMPORTANT CRITERIA (the other one is physical beauty) in any MAJOR, GLOBAL beauty-and-brains competition in our Planet. Truly, INTELLIGENCE and beauty complement each other.

Annual, MAJOR beauty contests and pageants (which have the Miss/single and the Mrs./married categories) are social events and stage shows for raising funds. They all exist for they have noble and worthy, social, charitable, philanthropic, humanitarian, environmental, cultural and tourism purposes and causes, advocacies and objectives, projects and activities that are GLOBALLY SIGNIFICANT and RELEVANT, HELPING MANKIND (UPLIFTING HUMAN LIVES & WELFARE) and HELPING OUR PLANET to be A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE IN (through our Miss/unmarried and Mrs./married beauty queens and title holders of previous years & present). That's the PROFOUND, REAL MEANING and ESSENCE of beauty pageants and beauty queens.

Just TO CLARIFY: Mrs. Universe-Intelligence, Mrs. Intelligence-Universe, Mrs. Intelligence, and Mrs. Intelligent are just one and the same title and award.

Please visit these related sites, too. Thanks!

Please NOTE:
The sole owner of this news video is the ABS-CBN company who gave us, MUPI (Mrs. Universe Philanthropy, Inc.), the permission to upload it online. MUPI is a supporter of the annual Mrs. Universe-Philippines Pageant and its winners, and the Mrs. Universe Organization, too. -- MrsUniverseCharity