Directed by : Fabrice Eboué, Lionel Steketee
Produced by : Légende
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 1 h 30 min
French release: 19/02/2014
Production year: 2012
Leslie Konda, a talented young French soccer player who was discovered as a teenager by Didier, a small-time agent who took him under his wing, has just signed his first contract as a striker for a major Spanish soccer club. Sadly, he is unable to share his joy with his mother who died a few months earlier, but he promised her that he would take her ashes home to her village in Botswanga, in Africa. Meanwhile, his origins have earned him an invitation from the president of Botswanga, a keen soccer fan who has recently taken power after a military coup. Accompanied by Didier, Leslie sets out on his first visit to the country of his ancestors to pay homage to his mother as well as to receive a special award from President Bobo, who, despite his humanist speeches, rapidly reveals himself to be a megalomaniac, paranoid dictator. They have barely arrived when Bobo suggests that Didier convince Leslie to play for the national team, which is languishing at the very bottom of FIFA’s world rankings: the Crocodiles of Botswanga.
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