Defending Islam from attacks-4

2014-03-09 7

Allah helps this who helps his brother and covers this who covers a Muslim
• This who defends his brother against those mentioning him badly, Allah will defend him against hell on judgment day.
• We were ordered 2 put our right hand on the left one in prayer.
• There is a garden from paradise between my grave and my mosque.
• This who takes something from his brother without right will not enter paradise.
• Give more salutations 2 me on Friday as these salutations r shown 2 me.
• If you kill or sacrifice , kill or sacrifice well-that means without torturing quickly.
• People are equal like comb teeth but they differ in Allah fear.
• Live as you like , you are dead
• Do whatever you wish but you will be asked about it
Love whoever you wish , you will leave him
• Belief is what is in heart appearing in action.
• To satisfy a brother need is better than secluding in my mosque a month.
• *U should repeat what the prayer caller says 2 get the same reward as his as in hadith

• supplication 4 the dead: allah ,wash him from his sins with water and ice and give him better house,people and wife than his. But when visiting a tomb say: salam alikom, believers ,u r the preceders and we are the followers god willing.
• Allah forgives forgetting and mistakes in this nation.