Nishat Riaz, Director Education British Council Pakistan

2014-03-05 3

'ICM- Skills for Employability' is a project of the Pakistan chapter of the Institute of Commercial Management, UK. Project aims to learn which skills & abilities employers expect from fresh-graduates and how they should get prepared for their job interviews.
We aim to continuously work on this project by recording & uploading video interviews of professionals from Academia & Industry of Pakistan.

The video you are watching is one among the series.

In this video: Ms. Nishat Riaz, Director Education British Council Pakistan

Recording Date: 18th November 2013 at Higher Education Commission in Islamabad

Produced by: Mr. Moazam Shahbaz, ICM's Regional Director of Pakistan & Afghanistan

ICM's technical team:

- Mr. Sameer Saeed (Production Assistant)
- Mr. Zeeshan Lodhi (Cameraman)
- Mr. Rehan Sheikh (Photographer)